Caminos Entrelazados or Intertwined Paths.
Part 3 Early next morning I am awoken by the sun, quietly sneaking up upon the spiteful hills. As I sat there on the blistering edge of the the bottom bunk, I sprung up in anticipation,as the bed let out an awful cry. I decided that I would go in search of what I came for. Paraiso, as Romero has, and in deciding this, I got this feeling in the pit of my stomach, excitement, anticipation,and fear. A feeling that makes you want to burst out laughing and break down crying, all at once. I'm startled by Ernesto's footsteps walking in the room with two mango's in his hand he asks "Breakfast?" I smiled as I grabbed a mango. "I know that look" he said as he bites into his mango, subtly puncturing the soft of the skin, absorbing every bud of taste it had to offer, as if this were the last mango he would ever eat. I am distracted and have heard nothing of what he's said. "Huh?" I question "Where to today?" He pries ...