San Cristobal de las Casas.

I officially landed in Cancun on the 1st. With a major migraine and a bit of nausea to go along with it, in arriving, I simply wanted to fall asleep and die. Instead, I spent the night by the beach with some fellow travelers from the hostel I stayed at. A convenient little hostel right in the middle of everything you need, called Hostel Quetzal.The next morning I was unsure of exactly where I wanted to go, so I'd packed everything up and gone off to  the bus station...ready to take the world, booked a one way to San Cristobal de las Casas and didn't look back.

So, here I am at a quiet little café  in San Cristibal de las Casas; the café is comparable to those seen in French films, the chairs are curly and fancy and every few minutes a boy looking to shine shoes walks in. Luckily I'm wearing sandals, or I'd give in. Though the 15 hour bus ride out here was no penny pincher, the town is absolutely dirt cheap and I love it. Hostels are no more than 5 dollars a night which includes an open kitchen, free coffee, a hot shower and Internet. They had me at free coffee. Unfortunately tonight I am staying elsewhere. Before finding this little piece of heaven, also known as Posada 5; I had gone to the first place I'd seen. Tonight I stay in a grungy little Hotel with cold showers, stinky rooms, and a toilet that hardly runs. What can I say? I was tired and compromised for less. Tomorrow.  Free coffee and hot showers await.
I have been here for less than 24 hours and already I find myself in love. With such a place as this. At night the streets are full with vendors, laughter and music all around.  Children are seen walking the streets selling whatever they can, to whomever they can and you just can't resist. With faces covered in food and dirt, and shoes two sizes too small. I just can't help but see a little piece of my son, and my sister in them, and I am nostalgic for home, nostalgic for a familiar face.  But still, I am as happy as a bird with a French fry and awaiting more beauty yet to come. 

Travel tip #1: When you here a tsh tsh from a stranger; it's usually best not to look.



  1. lol .Tsh.Tsh. you should be used to that!!Im glad you are fine KIT Mom

  2. Exactly two weeks and I leave for Cancun. Then immediately to Isla Mujeres. Wow cant wait. Thanks for all the tips Nico. I think I'll call you that now since I'm always on your blog! lol. Youre gona have to share how to communicate via internet while over there. Do you have a broadband? I have my laptop and am taking it with me. Anyways, San Cristobal sounds really cool and I hope to maybe make it over there too. This time around I'm just traveling for a week. But next time around during summer vacation I'm gong to be more open in the way of time and can spend weeks. What do you think? I've been following your adventures sweetheart and you are so much like Ms. Nagy its scary. I have a soul daughter! lol....Hey did you take any music? Can't go anywhere without my tunes!!!


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